The aim of the package
is to mimic the demo
for Shiny apps for a package.
With demoShiny
you can get an overview about all apps
from the loaded packages:
#> Loading required package: shiny
#> demoShiny::correlation View point cloud for a given correlation
#> demoShiny::dbscan Modify eps and nmin for DBSCAN clustering using Swiss Banknote data
#> demoShiny::hist A simple histogram
#> demoShiny::nonparametric_regression Principle of non-parametric regression
#> demoShiny::pca_best_line Principal components: find the best fitting direction
#> demoShiny::pca_max_var Principal components: find the direction with the largest variance of projected points
#> demoShiny::pca_reduction Principal components: show the total variance reduction
#> demoShiny::scagnostics View scatterplots based on scagnostics coefficients for Boston Housing data
#> demoShiny::silhouette Compute silhouette coefficient
#> demoShiny::test_mean Compares the hypothetical distribution in a t-test with the empirical distribution
The output is a data frame with package::topic
and the
file or directory which would be called by demoShiny
You can question for specific apps:
#> demoShiny::correlation View point cloud for a given correlation
#> demoShiny::dbscan Modify eps and nmin for DBSCAN clustering using Swiss Banknote data
#> demoShiny::hist A simple histogram
#> demoShiny::nonparametric_regression Principle of non-parametric regression
#> demoShiny::pca_best_line Principal components: find the best fitting direction
#> demoShiny::pca_max_var Principal components: find the direction with the largest variance of projected points
#> demoShiny::pca_reduction Principal components: show the total variance reduction
#> demoShiny::scagnostics View scatterplots based on scagnostics coefficients for Boston Housing data
#> demoShiny::silhouette Compute silhouette coefficient
#> demoShiny::test_mean Compares the hypothetical distribution in a t-test with the empirical distribution
It will deliver all demo apps of the package demoShiny
AND all apps named demoShiny
In case that for your topic is just one app available then no list will be returned but the Shiny demo app will be started:
If you develop a package then create under inst
directory shiny
. Each subdirectory of shiny
can contain one app. The name of the subdirectory is the topic name.
list.files(system.file('shiny', package="demoShiny"), include.dirs=TRUE)
#> [1] "00Index" "correlation"
#> [3] "dbscan" "hist"
#> [5] "hist.R" "nonparametric_regression"
#> [7] "pca_best_line" "pca_max_var"
#> [9] "pca_reduction" "scagnostics"
#> [11] "silhouette" "test_mean"
As you can see the shiny
subdirectory of
contains several directories,
e.g. app1
, silhouette
, and also a file
If you put an R file with the same name as a directory then the R file is sourced instead of calling the app in the directory. The aim is to allow for a specific calls to the app, e.g. by setting URL parameters:
launch.browser <- function(url) {
# modify URL, which has no effect for app1 :(
url <- sprintf('%s/?lang=%s', url, 'de')
invisible(.Call("rs_shinyviewer", url, getwd(), 3))
runApp(system.file('shiny', 'hist', package='demoShiny'), launch.browser=launch.browser)
If you want to add some one liner as title then you have to create a
file 00Index
in the shiny
correlation View point cloud for a given correlation
dbscan Modify eps and nmin for DBSCAN clustering using Swiss Banknote data
hist A simple histogram
nonparametric_regression Principle of non-parametric regression
pca_best_line Principal components: find the best fitting direction
pca_max_var Principal components: find the direction with the largest variance of projected points
pca_reduction Principal components: show the total variance reduction
scagnostics View scatterplots based on scagnostics coefficients for Boston Housing data
silhouette Compute silhouette coefficient
test_mean Compares the hypothetical distribution in a t-test with the empirical distribution