plot.matrix - Visualizes a Matrix as Heatmap
Visualizes a matrix object plainly as heatmap. It provides S3 functions to plot simple matrices and loading matrices.
Last updated 3 years ago
7.63 score 8 stars 7 dependents 300 scripts 1.7k downloadsstranslate - Simple Translation Between Different Languages
Message translation is often managed with 'po' files and the 'gettext' programme, but sometimes another solution is needed. In contrast to 'po' files, a more flexible approach is used as in the Fluent <> project with R Markdown snippets. The key-value approach allows easier handling of the translated messages.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.18 score 1 dependents 3 scripts 653 downloadsandrews - Various Andrews Curves
Visualisation of multidimensional data through different Andrews curves: Andrews, D. F. (1972) Plots of High-Dimensional Data. Biometrics, 28(1), 125-136. <doi:10.2307/2528964>.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.00 score 1 stars 20 scripts 969 downloadsabbreviate - Readable String Abbreviation
Strings are abbreviated to at least "minlength" characters, such that they remain unique (if they were). The abbreviations should be recognisable. The algorithm does not guarantee that a always a solution is found.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.48 score 6 stars 6 scripts 990 downloadsrmdwc - Count Words, Chars and Non-Whitespace Chars in R Markdown Docs
If you are using R Markdown documents then you have sometimes restrictions about the size of the documents, e.g. number of words, number of characters or non-whitespace characters. rmdcount() computes these counts with and without code chunks and returns the result as data frame.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.70 score 2 scripts 238 downloadslistArray - Incomplete Array with Arbitrary R Objects as Indices
The aim of the package is to create data objects which allow for accesses like x["test"] and x["test","test"].
Last updated 5 years ago
2.70 score 3 scripts 181 downloads